User Guide

1. Introduction

2. Quick Start

3. Features

Task Managment

3.1. Add a To Do task: todo

3.2. Add an Event task: event

3.3. Add a Deadline task: deadline

3.4. Mark completion of task: done

3.5. Find a task: find

3.6. List all tasks: list

3.7. Delete a task: delete

Flashcard management

3.9. Create a topic for Flashcards: topic

3.10. Create a Flashcard: flashcard

3.11. List all questions: list_qns

3.12. List all answers: list_ans

4. FAQ

1. Introduction

This application allows the user to create, store and manage tasks.

The user can also create flashcards with this application.

2. Quick Start

1. Install Java 11 or above in your computer

2. Download the duke-0.1.3.jar file

3. Double click on the app to run.

3. Features

Follow the formats given below to execute each command.

3.1 Add a To Do task: todo

Adds a To Do task to the schedule.

Format: todo task_name

3.2 Add an Event task: event

Adds an Event task to the schedule.

Format: event task_name /at date time

Note: Date format (DD/MM/YYYY). Time format (24hr. Eg. 1900)

3.3 Add a Deadline task: deadline

Adds a Deadline task to the schedule.

Format: deadline task_name task_name /by date time

Note: Date format (DD/MM/YYYY). Time format (24hr. Eg. 1900)

3.4 Mark completion of task: done

Marks a task as completed.

Format: done index_of_task

3.5 Find a task: find

Finds and lists task(s) that contain the specified keyword.

Format: find keyword

3.7 List all tasks: list

Lists all tasks in schedule.

Format: list

3.8 Delete a task: delete

Deletes a task in schedule with specified index.

Format: delete index_of_task

3.9 Create a topic for Flashcards: topic

Creates a topic folder for flashcards with specified topic name.

Format: topic topic_name

3.10 Create a Flashcard: flashcard

Creates a flashcard (with question and answer) in the specified topic folder.

Format: flashcard topic_name/question/answer

Note: topic_name, question & answer are seperated by “/”

3.11 List all questions: list_qns

Lists all questions in specified topic folder.

Format: list_qns topic_name

3.12 List all answers: list_ans

Lists all answers in specified topic folder.

Format: list_ans topic_name

4. FAQ

Q. How do I transfer my schedule to another computer?

A. Simply install the app on the other computer. Then replace the text file it creates with the text file that contains your previous schedule.

Q. Does the app keep my topic folders & flashcards after the app is shut down?

A. No. The app is currently in it’s beta version. More upgrades to come.

Q. Can I set reminders for tasks?

A. No. The app is currently in it’s beta version. More upgrades to come.